Alex Wilf


5719 Gates Hillman

awilf [at]

I am a PhD student at Carnegie Mellon University in the Language Technologies Institute advised by Louis-Philippe Morency. I work on multimodal machine learning, specifically applied to creating autonomous code generation systems.

Prior to CMU, I worked with Emily Mower Provost at the University of Michigan, where I completed my B.S. in Computer Science. “In the wild”, I can be found attempting overly complex french recipes, marveling at the crafstmanship of a particularly well made piece of outerwear, or appreciating the perfect chocolate chip cookie.


[Oct, 2023] Our Difference-Masking paper was accepted to findings of EMNLP ‘23!
[Oct, 2023] I co-organized the Social-IQ 2.0 Challenge and Artificial Social Intelligence Workshop at ICCV ‘23. Thank you for everyone who organized, submitted, attended, and spoke!



  1. ckd.png
    Comparative Knowledge Distillation
    Alex Wilf, Alex Tianyi Xu, Paul Pu Liang, and 3 more authors
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.02253, 2023.
  2. simtom.png
    Think Twice: Perspective-Taking Improves Large Language Models’ Theory-of-Mind Capabilities
    Alex Wilf, Sihyun Shawn Lee, Paul Pu Liang, and 1 more author
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.10227, 2023.
  3. difference_masking.png
    Difference-Masking: Choosing What to Mask in Continued Pretraining
    Alex Wilf*, Syeda Nahida Akter*, Leena Mathur, and 5 more authors
    [Forthcoming] Findings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2023.
  4. fg.png
    Face-to-Face Contrastive Learning for Social Intelligence Question-Answering
    Alex Wilf*, Martin Q Ma*, Paul Pu Liang, and 2 more authors
    International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), 2023.


  1. dlc.png
    Towards Noise-Robust Speech Emotion Recognition Using Dynamic Layer Customization
    Alex Wilf, and Emily Mower Provost
    International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 2021.